Wednesday, November 09, 2005


For the first time EVER (in my memory) a potential employer wants to me come by and show them a portfolio. Like a book of photos. Real prints. WOW.

So I had to go thru thousands of files to find my favorites. I choose all color photos shot with strobes. Its frightening how "tight" they are. My style is more defined than I thought it was. I decided to only include photos of people. This ad agency needs lots of different kinds of photos and once upon a time i would have taken in a book showcasing my many different photo skills - food, buidlings, still lifes - but not anymore. I only want to take ad photos if they involve people (i say that but if they offer enough i'll photograph anything)

wish me luck guys!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they'll love you, but good luck anyways!

roxanne said...

i have that same thing - framing and composition are often weighted in the same style across the board.

the good thing is, when you notice a pattern like that, you're moved to branch out and try new things!!

hopefully this job will be just the thing for you! your photos are rawkin awesome - it's just a matter of being a match for the company. GOOD LUCK

-- roxanne