Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dana and Nathan

This was my first wedding to photograph at Star Hill Ranch. What a wonderful place!!!

Dana and Nathan

This was my first wedding to photograph at Star Hill Ranch. What a wonderful place!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Baby Session

I photographed a baby today in the studio. She is the daughter of one of my professors from back when I was in college. I'm still not 100% comfortable working with little people in the studio. I'm getting better, but I have a ways to go. I had an epiphany about how I could change the lighting to make things better after they left. Next time.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


This is a photo of Ryan. He wanted it for his myspace page. Yip yip yippie. Ryan is an amazing designer who works for Milk Shake Media and he's single. Ladies let me know if you are interested. Who doesn't love a blind date. :)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dandy Warhols in Marfa

This was easily one of the best shows I've been to in ages. The Dandy Warhols played in the Marfa Ice Plant for free as part of Chinapi Fest 2006. The photo is lit by the bands strobes. Timing the camera to the strobes is an ardious tast when they are blicking irratically and memory space/ battery power is limited. This is the first show I've photographed with out my ear muffs in a year. I wanted to hear the music and I wanted it to be LOUD.

I found out just how much my friends love me! We were exploring the mountains outside of town and I got REALLY car sick. So we stopped for me to puke. Everyone else wanted to take a look around... so I was alone in the car with the AC running. Then I did something stupid. I locked the keys in the car! We were 2 hours from town by car. Luckily we ran into some locals about a mile down the road and they helped us break in the car! Yipee!!! My favorite part was when the guy trying to pop the lock stops and says... I know I need... I'm thinking a slim jim... and he grabs a cold beer from his minivan. Good stuff! It took about 45 minutes but we got back into the car. Yipeee!!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

2nd Birthday

Today I photographed a 2nd birthday party. It was a lovely event in a small park in west Austin. I've never photographed a kids party before, but I had a great time. I hope the mom's are happy with my work.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sufjan Stevens

Dear Sufjan,
Please don't tell my boyfriend I'm hoplessly in love with you. Lets run away. I'm sweet, smart, and not bad looking.


My friend Abi took this photo a few weeks ago with her toy camera. I love it. I need to take more toy camera pictures. Maybe in Marfa. I'm just worried it will fuel my 503cwd lust.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Mel + Rain

Well... another rainy bridal photo session. We just can't seem to pick a day when it isn't going to be POURING!

Fisk at Max Potentail Building Systmes

Photo for the Chronicle. Fisk at Max Potential Building Systems